March 2023
Legends forever: books donated to glenmuir library
March 21, 2023
Glenmuir UK alumnus and writer Phil Gersh Brown concluded his book promotion tour following donations of copies of his book Legends Forever: The 1985 Glenmuir High School DaCosta Cup Journey to the Glenmuir High School Library. Librarian Chairmaine Holmes received the books on behalf of the school.
uk-based writer donates book to clarendon Library
March 17, 2023
Glenmuir UK alumnus and writer Phil Gersh Brown donated a copy of his book Legends Forever: The 1985 Glenmuir High School DaCosta Cup Journey to the Clarendon Parish Library today in May Pen for posterity. Senior Librarian Natalee Hill-Chambers (far right in picture) was on hand to gratefully receive the book on behalf of her colleagues. See here for the presentation.
glenmuir uk chapter makes contribution to track & field team
March 14, 2023
Glenmuir UK Chapter President Kerry Badaloo made a special presentation to the coach of the Glenmuir Track & Field team Donovan Brown during a courtesy visit to the school. The UK Chapter President donated official GHS track jerseys on behalf of the UK Chapter to coach Brown.
March 13, 2023
The Glenmuir PSA Jamaica Chapter Brunch 2023 proved to be a great event. Having not been held for the previous two years due to the global pandemic, the brunch, despite some technical hitches, held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, brought together praise, music as well as a presentation from UK Chapter alumnus and writer Phil Gersh Brown, who described the story of the historic 1985 Glenmuir DaCosta Cup football squad, as well as promoting his related book Legends Forever: The 1985 Glenmuir High School DaCosta Cup Story. Checkout the Gallery for images of the brunch.
38 years 0n - the 1985 glenmuir dacosta cup football team reunion
March 12, 2023
The 1985 Glenmuir DaCosta Cup football squad held a special reunion in May Pen, Clarendon to recognise the 38th anniversary of the school's participation in their first Dacosta Cup final. The event, hosted by Clarendon businessman Jukie Chin, brought together former and current players, coaches and fans to reminisce about the 1985 season which culminated in the team reaching their first senior schoolboy final. Presentations were made to individuals for their support and contribution to the team. Checkout the Gallery for images of the event.